Pastoral Roadmap

Pastoring is not easy.
With the cultural shifts which have occurred around the entire globe and the tumult of voices pulling the pastoral calling in unprecedented directions, it is easy to become overwhelmed with what is right for your calling, your church, and your city.
We can help.

The mandate of 1 Peter 5:2-4 to “feed the flock” has never seemed harder to execute than in these challenging times. If today’s pastor is to carry out this mandate effectively, it is necessary to become intentionally Word-based and to hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church. During our more than 40 years of pastoral ministry experience, we have focused on the unchanging Biblical principles which stand the test of time even as the circumstances change around us. If you are one who would like someone to come alongside and offer structured support as you navigate these uncharted waters, we have designed a 3-phase process which we outline briefly in the video below.

To find out more and to register, click the “Get Details and/or Register” button.

My pAstoral Roadmap

Step one

KQ Pastoral Intensives

Step Two

KQ Visioneering Lab

Step Three

KQ Leadership Resources

Step One

KQ Pastoral Intensives

What is a Pastoral Intensive?
During your private two-day Pastoral Intensive at our office in Brazil, Indiana, you and your spouse will meet one-on-one with Terry and Melani Shock.  The discussions will be designed specifically for you and your life, your family, and your ministry.  You will define and discuss challenges and opportunities, areas of change, and vision for the future.

Who can attend?  Is this for me?
Any senior pastor couple is welcome to book their private KQ Pastoral Intensive!  We do ask that you choose a time you and your spouse can attend together.

What kind of content does this event cover?
We will delve into your unique situation—the challenges you face individually, in your team, and in your church.  Then, we will look at how to address these challenges.  Based on the information you provide, we help you craft an individualized plan to move forward in your God-calling through your God-wiring.  

What about accommodations, transportation, etc?
You will need to provide your own transportation to and from the Intensive.  If you are flying, you will want to fly into Indianapolis (IND), then rent a car (we are about 45 minutes away).  As far as accommodations, a local church about 15 minutes away has offered the use of a hotel-style apartment at no charge (pending availability).  We provide lunch both days of your Intensive.

What is the schedule?  
An intensive begins midday on Day 1 and ends around 4:30 pm Day 2.  The majority of our sessions are scheduled either as Monday-Tuesday intensives or Thursday-Friday intensives.  

What is the cost, and what does it include?
The cost for a private Pastoral Intensive for you and your spouse is $2,500. Your private intensive will include the following:

  • 12-14 hours of personal discussion/consultation for you and your spouse with Terry and Melani Shock
  • Lunch (both days)
  • Snacks and Coffee
  • Lodging
  • All Materials
  • Honorarium

Ready to Register?


Choose from one of our current dates below.  All dates are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

Register Now for 2025:

  • There are no open dates for 2025.  If you wish to be contacted about new dates as they open, please email us at the address below.

Still have questions?
Just email us at, and we will be happy to assist you.


Please note:  A KQ Visioneering Lab can be scheduled only after a KQ Pastoral Intensive has been completed.

Step Two

KQ Visioneering Lab

After completing a KQ Pastoral Intensive, you may then choose to book a KQ Visioneering Lab, where we work with you, your spouse, and two or three core couples upon whom you rely for input and support in carrying out the God-given vision for your congregation.  This three-day lab processes through the areas designated during your intensive and builds on the next steps to be implemented.

You must complete Step one

Step Three

KQ Leadership Resources

After completing the KQ Pastoral Intensive and the KQ Visioneering Lab, you will have access to our ever-expanding library of video resources designed to further explain and illustrate the Kingdom leadership principles presented in both of the preceding events.  These are designed as supplements to help you and your team teach and lead the volunteers under your direction in the concepts of the Kingdom and the vision of the pastor.